Dan Poblocki

Dan Poblocki - Author

NEW BOOK: Ghost Hunter's Daughter in 2020

Hey all!

I’m super excited to be able to share the cover of my new book, Ghost Hunter’s Daughter, which will be released on July 7, 2020.

The lovely, chilly, and spooky cover by Keirsten Geise at Scholastic

The lovely, chilly, and spooky cover by Keirsten Geise at Scholastic

I’ve been working on this novel for about 6 years, stopping and starting for a number of reasons. The setting needed to be changed. Characters grew and transformed. I decided to set the story in a world slightly different than the one we live in, which took some rethinking and retooling. But I’m glad I took the time to make this book be what I wanted it to be.

I’m really psyched to introduce you to Claire Holiday, the daughter of a famous television ghost hunter, who decides that she must track him down after he goes missing on a job in the isolated—and very haunted—lake town of Hush Falls.

You can preorder the book now from all your favorite places where you preorder your favorite books. Be one of the first to read my first stand-alone novel in several years. Can’t wait to hear what you think about it!


Dan Poblocki